Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dawn set sail: Shenzhen Deng Yihui (2)

April 1990, on Deng Yihui is important day. Dawn of the computer network he set up a corporation.

Deng Yihui system rented three buildings to office, equipped with telephone, with 5,000 to buy the old people used office furniture, brought in five or six young men one after another, propped up the party days. Deng Yihui first OK to Novell networks mainly because of his rigorous training in foreign companies through Novell. In 1990 Dawn became the company duly authorized Novell distribution service center, and become the first agency in China. In computer network engineering, he established three directions: First, the network of Chinese environment; second character communication system for remote network; third network interconnection with minicomputers and mainframes. He and his colleagues continue to study after repeated experiments, and finally took the lead in the successful development of the "Dawn character shared network operating system" to solve the diskless workstation card but can not Han Dynasty in Chinese characters are used under the network environment to share problems, solutions Chinese high-speed remote network communication problems, but also realized the minicomputer network services, network size as the expansion of the problem.

June 1990, a manifestation of Deng Yihui of the advance design consciousness and opportunities coming up: the establishment of new China's first stock exchange soon. Instructions of the State Council, Shanghai Stock Exchange to adopt international practices as far as possible, the starting point must be high, accomplishing one with Chinese characteristics and international advanced level of socialist Stock Exchange. This fledgling securities industry in China, the starting point would be too great. Responsible for leading this work and expert burning with impatience. They looked at several prestigious universities in Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences of the computer companies are avoiding the need to not take this responsibility; they help some of the world's leading computer company, but the reply was, "China is in the short term the use of computer systems to the use of securities transaction is not possible, the Hong Kong securities industry today, only the computer display market, the transaction still manual. "

Early in August, was invited to fly to Shanghai Deng Yihui, after 36 hours of study later, he made use of new computer network to achieve the Securities and Exchange of design.浠栬秴鍓嶇殑璁捐鏋勬兂涓庝笂浜ゆ墍棰嗗鐨勮姹備竴鎷嶅嵆鍚堬紝姝ゅ悗锛戯紣澶╁唴绛捐浜嗭紬锛愬ぉ鍐呭畬鎴愮數鑴戣嚜鍔ㄦ挳鍚堜氦鏄撶殑璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鐢佃剳缃戠粶绯荤粺鍚堝悓銆傛湁鐫?己鐑堣璁℃鏈涘拰鑳藉姏鐨勯倱涓?緣甯﹂鍏徃鐨勶紩涓勾杞讳汉锛屽紑濮嬩簡涓栫晫璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鍙蹭笂绗竴涓數鑴戠綉缁滅郴缁熺殑寮?彂璁捐鍜屽畨瑁呰皟璇曘?浠栦竴澶存墤杩涗簡浜ゆ槗鎵?椃鐑毦鐔殑鏈烘埧锛屼竴韫插氨鏄袱涓鏈堛? 锛戯紮锛欙紣骞达紤锛掓湀锛戯紮鏃ワ紝鑰冮獙閭撲竴杈変笌鍚屼簨鐨勫叧閿椂鍒诲埌浜嗐?涓婁氦鎵?寮?amp;quot;璇炵敓"寮?笟銆傚浗瀹剁殑鏈夊叧棰嗗浜哄拰鍑犲崄涓鍥借瘉鍒歌涓氱殑涓撳鍜屼紬澶氱殑鑲℃皯锛岄兘灞忕闈欐皵鍦扮洴鐫?繖鍏抽敭鐨勬椂鍒汇?寮?競鐨勯挓澹版暡鍝嶏紝浜ゆ槗澶у巺鍙惉瑙佺數鑴戠殑閿洏鏁插嚮澹般?瀹炴椂鎴愪氦绾綍鐨勬墦鍗板0浠ュ強璁拌?鐨勭収鐩告満蹇棬澹般?杩欐椂閭撲竴杈夊拰鍚屼簨浠崗鐫?璁叉満锛屽績閮芥彁鍒颁簡鍡撳瓙鐪笺?鍏ㄤ笘鐣岄兘鍏虫敞鐫?繖涓?埢鍛紒鏀跺競鐨勯挓澹版暡鍝嶏紝鍚勫瀵硅鏈轰紶鏉ワ集锛0锛屽紑涓氱殑绗竴澶╄幏寰楄緣鐓岀殑鎴愬姛锛岄倱涓?緣浠栦滑婵?姩寰楁嫢鎶卞湪涓?捣锛屾祦涓嬩簡鍠滄偊鐨勭儹娉?浠庢锛岄倱涓?緣琚汉浠獕涓?amp;quot;鐢佃剳濂囦汉"銆?amp;quot;璇佸埜浜ゆ槗缃戠粶绯荤粺鐨勬?璁捐甯?amp;quot;銆?amp;quot;涓浗鐢佃剳缃戠粶绯荤粺闆嗘垚鐨勫紑鍒涜?"銆?br />


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Monday, July 26, 2010

CPU chip with independent intellectual property rights through the acceptance of Godson 2E

Yesterday, the ICT projects undertaken by 863 "Godson-2 processor chip design of enhanced" (Godson 2E) through "15", 863 information technology expert group acceptance. Science and Technology Minister Xu Guanhua said at the meeting in the acceptance, the success of the project, shows that China has taken a key step in the information field, and he stressed that the development of high technology and industrial development must be closely integrated.

Godson 2E2005 project started in May, March 17, 2006 get the Godson 2E chip parallel transfer success, May 23 863 expert group organized by the test.

In a live demonstration, the prototype uses 64-bit Godson-2E Linux operating system, can smooth running Mozilla browser, OpenOffice office suite, Mplayer media player and other streaming applications, and can properly support Chinese input and display. Group believes that the chip is used in mainland China the first 90-nanometer processor design, the maximum speeds up to 1.0GHz, the peak computing speed of 4.0 billion times per second, double-precision floating-point operations, has been in the single-processor design reached the international advanced level, is the CPU chip with independent intellectual property rights.

Xu said, the 863 program started 20 years ago, China played a key role high-technology development. "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China will further promote the development of high technology and industrialization, where two levels. First of all, 863 major projects, key projects on the basis of a breakthrough good demonstration of the transformation of traditional industries, to contribute to the formation of new industries; In addition, some aspects of technical reserves for the shortage, the state has given great attention encourage experts to explore the establishment of objectives for more. We have also established a "special study" in the hope of young people by supporting innovative ideas, cultivate a group of young scientists, the scientific development of China's future to make the necessary reserves.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thunder counter Sohu said it has infringed the right to reputation or counterclaim

Video industry is an interesting industry. In 2008, in the video industry to popular online movie, UUSee video on demand and as the representative to potatoes, excellent cool video sharing network represented a "battle mode" in the industry many sparks of friction. After about 2009, in "battle mode" when the results gradually clear, but like the video industry to prove deliberate "press up to the gourd," the famous Chinese old saying - Sohu and Thunder for "my youth who call the shots" To court the.

Origin News

Recently, the Joint Beijing Sohu source Xinbao New Media Television Investment Co., Ltd. held the copyright cooperation and human rights defenders conference, declared that "my youth who call the shots," a play by "Pirates of the broadcast", will sue the three companies Thunderbolt. Sohu I said, "My youth who call the shots" in mainland China has the exclusive right to network dissemination of information, there is Thunder, "Pirates of the broadcast", and therefore the three companies to sue Thunderbolt.

Sohu uncharacteristically high-profile face of the author and many users will be constantly surprised expression on his face and write, while also continue to suspicion in the stomach. To this end, the author calls connect the Thunder Network Technology Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Luo people, in order to map the identity of an outsider to understand this.

Business of Thunder: Thunder + Thunder Download see + dog search

In the side of the phone Mr. Luo Weimin said that to this matter have a comprehensive understanding of, first of all need to know about Thunder's business model. "Broadly speaking, Thunder has two modes, one is dominant, one recessive." He said, "the dominant means currently known users is 'Thunder is a download software'. Recessive The refers to video services, that is, demand VOD business. "

Thunder Why the "dominant business" (referring to the download) basis of the "hidden business" (referring to the VOD video on demand) do?

Internet early and early, as bandwidth limitations, users are accustomed to the software, videos, movies, games and other downloads to a local client, which is more user-friendly installation and smooth viewing. But now, due to bandwidth "is no longer a problem" when the same time, the hardware environment as a whole are improving, many users choose the online installation, online way to see the video. Is also based on this, the Thunder will be "hidden business" being added.

General Law, said the two after the formation of large business model, Internet users to search for video, etc. With more accurate demand, therefore, Thunderbolt and later launched a dog search the business. "Dogs Search to find the content of the course is required for application of products." Luo people said, "When users search the contents of the required, it split into two lines, a download, and the other is the online viewing, which is now by many users are familiar with Thunder to see. "

This, everyone in the business of the Thunder have a profile understanding of: entrance is a dog search, and then look at Thunder and Thunder download a triangular structure.

Since Thunder is to see the scope of online video industry, we should focus on the content of the natural film, television, video player area to carry out. Therefore, the Thunder risk with respect to the circumvention of copyright, in April 2007, Thunder implementation of the "copyright claim" activities to open up the network are unique to genuine acts of Thunder. (Article link:, as of this writing, the links are valid.)

Since then, the Thunder for the maximum to prevent online piracy, announced Kyushu Monternet, Herald, goodness, network interconnection and other Chinese mainstream Internet music content providers genuine formal cooperation. Move the industry as "long-troubled company will help break the bottleneck of copyright issues", and also by the industry as a "genuine help to promote the cause of Internet development," important to make a real model behavior .

Thunder sounds: Sohu legal means against the reputation or accountability

Luo said the people, and Thunder download, and Thunder see related content, Thunderbolt and China has more than 80% of the mainstream of SP / CP has established good cooperation relationship with work flow coverage of market share over 90% of the total work, which Thunder in large part solved the problem to see the works of the source.

"In the whole process of development of the Internet industry, copyright issues abound. Rise to the issue are many reasons, both large and environmental constraints, but also the new media impact on traditional industries caused by friction." Luo said the people, "We believe that as the Internet to further standardize the order of the market environment for the business model of continuous exploration and establishment of the interests of all parties ultimately agreed by the confrontation, forming mutually beneficial win-win situation, this should be the fundamental way to resolve copyright issues. At present, most Internet copyright dispute to reconciliation solution, also confirmed this point. "

Sohu "high-profile media will be" the matter, the Romanian people have their own views. In his view, Sohu just said, "You infringement", but there is no evidence that "where the infringement." It seems the people in Romania, which like that, you have a problem, but do not know "what your problem is."

"In fact, we know that Thunder is no problem to see." Luo people further explained that "Sohu should focus its search engine services, but at this point, intentionally or unintentionally, Sohu is the confusion in a concept that is 'Dogs Search' and 'Thunder look' in an attempt to confuse the issue will search to see if the business into the Thunder. "

Sohu confused why the concept of business from the Thunder, the ultimate goal is to look for the Thunder, "because the model is the Thunder look at the industry's most mature." Luo said the people, "from the current view of the market, take a look at Thunder It can be said is the only brand to make money. "

Familiar with the Internet industry is not difficult to see the video in the field, watching from the daily amount of speaking, the Thunder look similar to the one-day 60 million PV, which is basically a reference number, Youku and potatoes is probably close to a billion, but the order of magnitude no difference of the three. This can obviously see that the first camp at Thunder see mode. Also can guess what Sohu just launched to the need for a camp belonging to the first target to catch up, but in chasing the same time, Sohu need to use some "unconventional methods" to rally.

Luo people added, "Of course, it is just to communicate with my peers did guess, as the Thunder, we are also unwilling to think so subjective. I can only say that this may not be very good, or is not legitimate competition means. "

Sohu said in a unilateral "my youth who call the shots" (the "City"), TV drama copyright, the Romanian people that, in the Thunder's search business, has been "delete operations" is strictly observed, the internal Thunder has a very sound processes and procedures (in the video industry, there is "a safe haven principle", or "notice to delete" rules, series note) so that the Sohu Thunder regard the statement is irresponsible, and no basis in fact of.

It seems the people in Romania, "Youth" Copyright is a superficial issue, the purpose behind the competition is "real and obvious." Subsequently, the Romanian people to say, "This action brings the Thunder Sohu's business reputation has been compromised, we reserve the right to take legal action to pursue his rights.

Industry saying: Sohu intention "Pong article" unbecoming

As an outsider, a third party, the author and the industry to exchange views with other people.

The industry believes that the game business in Charles Zhang stripped separate listing on Sohu, Sohu, "one door" more and more light weight, the former leader with Sina, Tencent chase after, plus the news business NetEase will move again to the fact that Beijing pressure, Sohu "of urgency."

Sohu's business line on existing terms, Sohu's search business (Sogou) reluctantly support, software platform business (mainly Sogou input method) has a thriving performance. Others, such as, Sohu Entertainment, Sohu Sohu television are actually areas of the video business, while Sohu's video service because the composition and operation of the overall lack of appeal, therefore, "Sohu announced the indictment is likely just a strategy."

Is a transformation in the "online video platform" for people, "joked that SOHU 'waterfront section' unbecoming, incompatible with her status."

Industry Case Study: Baidu Final win international record company lawsuits

And Sohu and Thunder disputes have a case for reference. Earlier, a report by the ZDNet news, "Baidu Final win international record company litigation" (original link: can be seen, the Court In the trial by the Baidu search engine business caused by the last identified case, "Baidu search is not infringement, do not assume any liability", the verdict because "Baidu is the search engine users to provide services rather than infringing MP3 music."

Final results of the case from this perspective, the Court found that Baidu is only to provide search services, rather than tort MP3 music (download). This provides the dog with the Thunder has the same local search business, that is, to provide search dog search is not "infringement" youth "TV show downloads."

From this point of view, Baidu search and search for both dogs provided only search operations (services), rather than "tort download business."

Here we may wish to make a hypothesis, if Sohu search dogs found infringement, it means that Sohu is China's courts in favor of Baidu search is dissenting, further said that Sohu is to "prosecute" and "court" Identity of Thunder Double infringement. It is like that as a player, and the referee.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

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